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  • Do Greenwood charge for delivery and assembly?
    Yes. Greenwood Furniture uses a courier system to deliver and assemble goods. Delivery charge is dependant on your address. Click here for delivery, assembly and disposal charges.
  • What are the opening hours of the store?
    Greenwood's opening hours are as follows: MON - FRI: 9.30am - 5.30pm SATURDAY: 10am - 6pm SUNDAY: 1pm - 5pm During public holidays, these hours may change so please keep an eye on our social media accounts for updates.
  • Does the store take deposits?
    Yes. A standard 30% deposit is required on all orders when buying in store. Full payment is required on the website to secure your order.
  • Will I receive the same product as I see in the photo?
    Photos are taken with the highest quality to reflect every detail of each product. You may find differences in products in which the format of the raw materials and their manufacture affect the final results, such as handmade products.
  • How can I contact the store outside opening hours?
    Email for all enquiries outside opening hours and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.
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